Publié le 24/11/2022 à 16:45:33
in English & French:
9th. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb |
Call for Papers ISKO-Maghreb’2022 9th. International Symposium of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter on: Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization. February 9-10-11, 2023 in Al-Hoceima (Morocco
♦ Important Dates:
Papers due (last deadline): | DEC. 25, 2022 |
Notification of acceptance (2nd. deadline): | DEC. 10-25, 2022 |
Final paper & Camera-ready due: | DEC. 25, 2022 |
Registration for authors (last deadline): | JAN. 5-15, 2023 |
ISKO-Maghreb’2022 in OCTA days: | FEB. 9-10-11, 2023 |
Best Paper Awards: | FEB. 11, 2023 |
♦ Description :
“The world is changing” according to Michel Serres in his book “Petite Poucette” (March 2012) and in his detailed speech at the French Academy (November 2017), he argues by: “It should then draw the consequences of this change of the space that affects the human species with the emergence of the “new technologies” of information and communication – in particular by trying to establish a new balance between the material element and the intangible element. “. Historically for Humanity, two major inventions that have profoundly changed the knowledge organization (KO) while associating culture and the transmission of knowledge: it is about writing (around the fourth millennium BC), then printing (in the fifteenth century by the invention of Johannes Gutenberg). Today, with digital technology, it is a major new invention that is imposing and having profound repercussions on the knowledge organization system (KOS) and its transmission of knowledge, on teaching and pedagogy, and on society and its world economy oriented towards the intangible.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, we are witnessing the emergence of a young science called “digital sciences” to designate the information and communication sciences on their hardware and software components. The digital sciences revolutionize knowledge in relation to its technological means, as well as social links (or humanity) with its relationship to knowledge and its organization.
To the changes brought about by digital sciences, society as a whole must adapt and consider skills that reinvent tomorrow’s social relationships and its relation to knowledge: what we call the dynamic and interactive Web (web2.0 and web3.0), the Social networks that allow the creation of educational, professional and societal communities, the Collective Production of Knowledge and its relation to the collective intelligence, the risks of the Proliferation of the information and its consequences like the misinformation, the “fake news” or invasion of privacy. All of these changes have a potential and profound impact on education, culture, society and knowledge organization systems (KOS).
Faced with the advent of the digital sciences, the governance of knowledge seems to be the scientific policy best suited to the creation of value with regard to Man and his evolution in cultures and civilizations. The task of this governance is to take into consideration the transmission of knowledge related to scientific, technological and communication progress. Intrinsically, this process of knowledge transfer requires a system of knowledge organization and management that implements the production of knowledge, its actors and the digital sciences for its influence in society.
The objective of the ISKO-Maghreb chapter continues to contribute to understanding the factors that organize knowledge and the phenomena that affect the information society. The actions to be undertaken by the scholarly society ISKO will have to take into account socio-cultural, cognitive and economic aspects in the strategic management of knowledge. Towards the knowledge society, knowledge must be seen in its dynamics, content and scientific and technological interactions with academics, business and politics (actors and institutions).
In this context, a first orientation is pedagogical to try to answer the question “what do we know about knowledge, its organization and its mutation?”. Then, the question evolves towards the societal challenges of knowledge, in theory and in practice, to provide clarifications to “what convergence of KO (Knowledge Organization) and KM (Knowledge Management) approaches that organize knowledge and know-how? “. Education, Digital Sciences, Culture, Information and Communication Sciences, remain the major themes covered by ISKO-Maghreb, for the establishment of knowledge organization, management skills, collective intelligence and Digital Humanities.
In a friendly, warm and open to exchange, the ISKO-Maghreb learned society was designed to strengthen the “ISKO International” Scholarship Foundation with academics, practitioners both in the Maghreb countries and in the world.
♦♦ OCTA Organization:
ISKO-Maghreb’2022 event will be in the International Multiconference OCTA in Feb. 2023 and its projects, communities and scholarly societies (SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED and TBMS) in AL-Hoceima (Morocco). The organization is under the aegis of Abdelmalek Essaadi University & ENSAH (National School of Applied Sciences – Al-Hoceima) with its partners, and national & international sponsors.
♦ Topics:
1- Knowledge Organization in the perspective of the Digital Humanities:
a. Effects of dematerialization of documents: the digital for knowledge and knowledge
b. Communication and convergence of media: the knowledge and knowledge industry
c. Digital Humanities Heritage: corpus, documents and digital traces
2- Information and Communication Technologies and “Digital Sciences”:
a. Communication networks and electronic documents
b. e-Business and Business Platforms for Digital Publishing
c. Digital economy (Web 3.0, SHS 3.0 and other concepts)
3- Collective Intelligence and Collaborative Working Platforms:
a. Collective Intelligence and Knowledge Economy
b. Knowledge Management and collective intelligence
c. Social Networks: media, content and models in communication
d. Structured knowledge database: communication, production and coordination
4- “Digital Sciences” and Cultural Heritage:
a. Digital Memory, Archives and Knowledge Management (KM)
b. Collaborative enterprises and media issues in heritage management
c. Virtual Culture and Heritage
5- Knowledge Management (KM) in the organization of knowledge:
a. Models of knowledge organization, skills and learning (science)
b. Knowledge professions in the perspective of the Digital Humanities
c. New KM practices in research: knowledge production, sharing and innovation
6- e-Learning, Virtual Libraries and Knowledge Management:
a. Information Spaces for Distance Education and Learning Platforms
b. Virtual libraries, resource mapping and multimedia for teaching
c. Intangible heritage, its organization with the Digital Humanities
7- Strategic Watch and Organization of Knowledge:
a. Concepts, actions and processes in business intelligence
b. e-Watch, source analysis and skills development
c. Data Science and Intelligence: Exploration, Analysis and Strategic Development
8- Representation of Knowledge and Semantic Web:
a. Models of representation of knowledge
b. From Knowledge to the Semantic Web: Approaches, Issues and Perspectives
c. Digital Humanities in the challenges of the semantic web
9- Search Engines, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery:
a. Classification and Categorization in Data Analysis
b. Visual Mining and Emergence of Knowledge
c. Extraction, synthesis and visualization for decision support
d. Knowledge, Engineering and Skills for Decision-Making
10- Mathematical Models, Data Scientists and Visualization:
a. Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing and Decisional Statistics
b. Stochastic calculus and application to society, economy-finance, and knowledge
c. Mathematical models for the knowledge organization: society and economic markets
d. Visualization of data and information for decision support
11- e-Enterprise and Knowledge Management:
a. Knowledge Management and Representation e-Entreprise: Architecture and Governance
b. Life Cycle (s) of e-Business Knowledge Development
c. Semantic and Strategic Alignment: New Challenges for e-Business
d. From information architecture (EiA) to the knowledge architecture (EkA) e-Entreprise
12- Knowledge Management in Advanced Information Systems:
a. Knowledge in Autonomic Computing
b. Knowledge Extraction: Techniques and Models for the User Profile, Context and Alignment of Ontologies
c. Emergence of knowledge: Big Data, Social & Societal knowledge, and communities
13- Knowledge and web services:
a. Ontologies for Web Services
b. Web 2.0 and its evolution for Web services
c. Discovery and composition of web services
14- Knowledge Management for decision-making and complexity:
a. Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
b. Complex adaptive systems in knowledge-based environments.
♦ Programme Committee:
♦ ♦ Presidents:
- SIDHOM Sahbi (President ISKO-Maghreb, Université de Lorraine, France)
- MEZIANE Abdelkrim (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, CERIST, Algeria)
- EL HADDADI Anass (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, ENSA Al-Hoceima, Morocco)
- KADDOUR Amira (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, Université de Carthage, Tunisia)
- SHASHOA Nasar Aldian (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, Libyan Academy Tripoli, Libya)
- ZMOKHOL Fouad (Vice-President ISKO-Maghreb, Université Saint-Joseph Beyrouth, Liban)
♦ ♦ Members: (in solicitation)
ADDAM Mohamed (ENSA, Al-Hoceima, Maroc)
AHROR Belaid, (D.Informatique Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
AJHOUN Rachida (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
ALIANE Hassina (CERIST, Algeria)
ALOUI Abdelouahab, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
AMROUN Kamal, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
AOUGHLIS Farida (Université M.Mammeri-Tizi Ouzou, Algeria)
AYAD Soheyb, (LINFI Lab., Université de Biskra, Algeria)
AZNI Mohamed, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
BABIK Wieslaw (Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland)
BADACHE Nadjib (Directeur du CERIST, Algeria)
BELLAMINE Narjes (ENSI Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
BEN AHMED Mohamed (FST, Tanger, Maroc)
BEN GHEZALA Henda (Lab. RIADI – ENSI Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
BEN ROMDHANE Mohamed (ISD – Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
BENABOU DJILALI (Université de Mascara, Algérie)
BENALI Khalid (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
BENATALLAH Boualem, (UNSW, Australie)
BENBRAHIM Houda (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
BENMOHAMMED Mohammed, (Université de Canstantine 2, Algeria)
BENNOUI Hammadi, (LINFI Lab., Université de Biskra, Algeria)
BERRADA Ilham (ENSIAS – Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
BESSAI Fatma Zohra (CERIST, Algérie)
BOUDHIR Anouar Abdelhakim (FST, Tanger, Maroc)
BOUDJLIDA Nacer (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
BOUHORMA Mohammed (FST, Tanger, Maroc)
BOUKERRAM Abdellah, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
BOUREKKACHE Samir (University of Mohamed Khider, Biskra, Algeria)
BOUSSAID Omar (Laboratoire ERIC, Université Lumière Lyon2, France)
HENRY Carole, ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg
CHAIB Bachir (University 20th august 1955 Skikda, Algeria)
CHAROY François (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
CHEBBI Aïda (ISD – Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
CHEIKHI Laïla (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
DJERAD Nejoua (ISD Université de Manouba, Tunisia)
EL BOUHDIDI Jaber (ENSA, Tétouan, Maroc)
EL BOUHISSI Houda (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
EL GHOUL Mansour (Université de Lorraine, France)
EL HACHANI Mabrouka (ELICO – Université Jean Moulin Lyon3, France)
ESSAAIDI Mohammad, (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
FARAH Zoubeyr, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
FEKI Jamel (Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion à Sfax, Tunisie)
FENNAN Abdelhadi (FST, Tanger, Maroc)
FENNICHE Raja (ISD Université de Manouba, Tunisia)
FRISCH Muriel (ESPE/Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
GDOURA Wahid (ISD Université de Manouba, Tunisia)
GNOLI Claudio (University of Pavia, Italy)
GODART Claude, (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
GRIVEL Luc (Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)
HABACHA Anja (Lab. RIADI – ENSI Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
HATON Jean-Paul (Université de Lorraine et Institut Universitaire de France, France)
HEYOUNI Mohammed (ENSA, Oujda, Maroc)
JAMOUSSI Yacine (Lab. RIADI – ENSI Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
JBENIENI Jihene (Université de Carthage, Tunisie)
KASSOU Ismaïl (ENSIAS – Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
KAZAR Okba (Université de Biskra, Algérie)
KHANOUCHE Mohamed Essaid, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
KORDAHI Marilou (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ), Liban)
LAGHROUCH Mourad (LAMPA – Université M.Mammeri-Tizi Ouzou, Algérie)
LAMBERT Philippe (Université de Lorraine, France)
LAMIREL Jean-Charles (Université de Strasbourg, France)
LIQUETE Vincent (University of Bordeaux, France)
LÓPEZ-HUERTAS María (ISKO Int. & Universidad de Granada, Spain)
MAAMAR Zakaria (Zayed University, EAU)
MAHMOUD Seloua (ISD Université de Manouba, Tunisia)
MATAR Leonel (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ), Liban)
MAZZOCCHI Fulvio (Institute for Complex Systems Roma, Italy)
MEDJAHED Brahim, (Michigan University, USA)
MONTICOLO Davy (ENSGSI-ERPI, Université de Lorraine, France)
NACER Hassina (Université des sciences et de technologie USTHB Alger, Algeria)
NOURRISSIER Patrick (NetLorConcept, France)
OHLY Peter (ISKO Int. & GESIS – Leibniz-Institut Bonn, Germany)
ORRICO Evelyn (UNESP-São Paulo State University, Brasil)
OUERGHI Feriel (Université de Tunis, Tunisie)
OUERHANI Salah (Université de Tunis, Tunisie)
Oulad Haj Thami Rachid (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
PECQUET Pascal (University of Montpellier, France)
RABHI Fethi (UNSW, Australie)
RAMDANI Mohamed (Université Hassan II Mohammedia, Maroc)
REZEG Khaled, (LINFI Lab., Université de Biskra, Algeria)
Rodríguez-Bravo Blanca (University of León, Spain)
ROUDIES Ounsa (Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, Université Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat, Maroc)
SALEH Imad (Université Paris 8, France)
SAN SEGUNDO Rosa (University of Madrid Carlos III, Spain)
SAYEB Yemna (ENSI – University of Manouba, Tunisia)
SEBAA Abderrazak, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
SEGHIR Yousra (ISD – Université de la Manouba, Tunisie)
SLIMANI Hachem, (D.Informatique Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
SOUZA Renato (UNESP-São Paulo State University, Brasil)
SYLBERZTEIN Max (LASELDI – Université de Franche-Comté, France)
TANTI Marc (Centre d’épidémiologie des armées – SESSTIM, France)
TARI Abdelkamel, (Université de Bejaia, Algeria)
TIETSE Samuel (MICA, Université François Rabelais de Tours, France)
ZELLOU Ahmed (ENSIAS, Université Mohammed V Souissi, Rabat, Maroc)
Language & Communication in Symposium:
Presidents of ISKO-Maghreb encourage authors (senior, junior and professional) to submit proposals on a “LONG Abstract” in the recommended format (IEEE Template in 2 columns) in well written English or French. After reviews, the corrected and completed author’s proposal must be submitted in a final English full version.
– First, long “Abstract” proposals must be written in English or French.
– Second, final “Full” proposals must be written in English.
– All data-show presentations (in PowerPoint) must be written in English.
– Oral presentations and discussions are permitted in English and/or in French.
♦ Paper Guidelines: (proposals in detailed ABSTRACT or in full PAPER)
- Detailed abstract (Title, Abstract, Keywords and Short bibliography): in process of reviewing, you must select your « Title » that grabs attention with « Keywords », accurately describes the contents of your manuscript concisely by your « Abstract » with « Short bibliography », and makes people want to read further your « full text »: Prioritizing Communication Poster ;
- Full text proposal: in process of reviewing, authors should propose the full version paper: Prioritizing Oral Communication.
- Manuscripts must follow the Springer template guidelines, including figures, tables, and references. The paper must be prepared by using the template in MS Word or LaTeX as PDF files through EasyChair System below. The length of papers should not exceed 10 pages.
(LNNS is indexed in SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt, zbMATH, SCImago, and submitted for consideration in Web of Science. Click here for more information.)
♦ Paper Rating:
- The Scientific Committee will assess the relevance of each proposal and will propose appropriate changes.
- The acceptance criteria are: originality of the contribution, importance to the community and impact on future scientific work, significance of results and quality of presentation.
- Anti-plagiarism Policy: As part of the anti-plagiarism policy followed by ISKO-Maghreb Int. Society & OCTA multi-conference Int. Organization, the papers will be subject to anti-plagiarism software Compilatio (
♦ Submission Papers: On easychair platform for the Int. MultiConference OCTA ̓ 2022
- Submission link:
- Manuscripts must follow the Springer template guidelines, including figures, tables, and references. The paper must be prepared by using the template in MS Word or LaTeX as PDF files through EasyChair System below. The length of papers should not exceed 10 pages.
(LNNS is indexed in SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt, zbMATH, SCImago, and submitted for consideration in Web of Science. Click here for more information.)
♦ Registration Fees: (in progress)
♦ Conference Venue: (in progress) AL-HOCEIMA (Morocco).