Publié le 24/11/2022 à 16:47:36
ISKO-Maghreb : Le chapitre du Maghreb de la société savante ISKO
ISKO: "International Society for Knowledge Organization"
ISKO-Maghreb est le chapitre savant des pays du Maghreb (principalement Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc) de la société savante Internationale ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization). Ce chapitre ISKO-Maghreb a été créé en février 2010. Il évoluera autour des chercheurs universitaires, des praticiens et des professionnels R&D (publics et privés) intéressés par les thématiques de l'ISKO sur l'organisation de la connaissance.
(EN: ISKO-Maghreb is the scholarly chapter of the Maghreb countries (mainly Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) of the international scholarly society ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization). The ISKO-Maghreb chapter was created in February 2010. It will evolve around university researchers, practitioners and R&D professionals (public and private) interested in ISKO's themes on the Knowledge Organization.)
Administration ISKO-Maghreb
Le Bureau de la Société Savante ISKO-Maghreb est composé (depuis l'AG. du 7 fevrier 2020) de :
(EN: The Bureau of the ISKO-Maghreb Society is composed (since the GA of February 7, 2020): )
· President : Sahbi SIDHOM (University of Lorraine & Loria Lab., France)
· Vice-president (Tunisia) : Amira KADDOUR (ENSTAB Université de Carthage, Tunisia)
· Vice-president (Algeria) : Abdelkrim MEZIANE (CERIST, Algeria)
· Vice-president (Morocco) : Anass EL HADDADI (ENSA Al Hoceima, Morocco)
· Vice-president (Lybia) : Nasar Aldian SHASHOA (Libyan Academy Tripoli, Libya) : New working-group in 2020
· Vice-president (Liban) : Fouad ZMOKHOL (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban) : New working-group in 2022
· Secretary & Treasurer : à pourvoir - Sahbi SIDHOM (par interim)
Contact : Sahbi Sidhom, e-mail :
Appel à communications / Call for papers(CFP) : in 2023
9th. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb CALL FOR PAPERS ISKO-Maghreb’2022
On: "Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization.” February 6-7-8, 2020 Tunis (Tunisia) & Organization in the event of the International Multi-Conference OCTA’2022 On: "Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies" (
♦ Important Dates:
Papers due (last deadline): | DEC. 25, 2022 |
Notification of acceptance (2nd. deadline): | DEC. 10-25, 2022 |
Final paper & Camera-ready due: | DEC. 25, 2022 |
Registration for authors (last deadline): | JAN. 5-15, 2023 |
ISKO-Maghreb’2022 in OCTA days: | FEB. 9-10-11, 2023 |
Best Paper Awards: | FEB. 11, 2023 |
Call for Papers ISKO-Maghreb’2022 9th. International Symposium of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter on: |
Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization.February 9-10-11, 2023 in Al-Hoceima (Morocco) |
More information: [in chapter minutes]